👋 Hi, I’m Sam.

I’m a creative business developer, investor, and consultant. I am always building something, and would love to share the process with you.

Active Projects


I operate a real estate business that is supported by a YouTube channel. “Living in Tampa” has over 6,000 subscribers and brings in over 100 leads every month. If you are interested in Tampa real estate, you should start here.

Real Estate Business Consulting

I would love to help you build your own real estate business. I enjoy coaching people toward wins in business that give the freedom to pursue the lifestyle they want.

Personal Business Journey

In 2022, I will start a weekly YouTube channel and podcast about my journey of building a YouTube lead source and the opportunities that this has created.

To me, success is winning back my time, so that I can spend it with my family, think about new ideas, and plan for the future.

Get in Touch

I would love to hear from you and learn how I can help you achieve your goals.